Luckily, there are quick and easy ways to lower your stress levels and relax if you set your mind to it. It is easy to get overwhelmed when your to-do list starts growing and key deadlines bite down. But learning to stop stress before it starts can help you to refocus your mind and deal with this pressure in a practical, quick and efficient manner. The calming effects of actively relaxing help you to achieve better mental clarity, supporting improved cognitive ability in the process. Make space in your schedule today, and start building great habits that will last a lifetime. Join us as we outline five great options to consider below.


1. Get Active

Almost any type of physical activity is excellent for stress relief. Even if you’re out of shape or not an athlete, exercise can help. Physical activity releases endorphins and neural chemicals that boost your well-being. Exercise is also a great way to refocus your mind on your movements, which can help fade away the day’s irritations and improve your mood. Consider jogging, walking, biking, gardening, weightlifting, swimming, or anything that interests you to get you outside and moving.


2. Meditate

When you meditate, you focus your attention to help quiet the constant stream of thoughts that cause stress. Meditation is a great way to instil a sense of serenity and calm, balance and peace that can benefit your overall health and emotional wellness. Guided imagery, guided meditation, visualisation, box breathing exercises and other meditation forms are something you can practise anywhere, any time you like. For example, you can meditate while riding the bus to work, out on a walk, sitting at your desk or in your doctor’s office.


3. Get Enough Rest

Stress can make it hard to fall asleep. When you have too much on your mind, and your to-do list is a mile long, your sleep quality can suffer. This isn’t great because your body and brain use the time you sleep to recharge. Sleep quality also impacts your energy levels, mood, overall functioning and concentration. If you have trouble falling or staying asleep, make sure you have a relaxing, quiet bedtime routine. Put your clocks and devices away, listen to soothing music and stick to a schedule.


4. Journal

Writing down your feelings and thoughts can be a great way to release pent-up emotions. Don’t think about what you want to write; just let it flow onto the page. Write whatever comes to your mind. Don’t worry about spelling or grammar because no one else needs to see it. Instead, use your journal to get the day's stress out of your head and onto paper. You can toss it when you finish or save it for later reflection.


5. Laugh More

While it’s true that a good sense of humour can’t cure everything, it can help you feel better, even if you fake a laugh when you’re not feeling it. When you laugh, it will help to lighten your mental load and cause positive changes to your body. In addition, laughter works to fire up and cool your stress response. So, tell some jokes, read a few funny stories, watch a comedy or hang out with your friends and make a point to laugh more each day to see how it improves your outlook.


Bottom Line

It doesn't take much time or effort to make relaxing a part of your everyday working life, but the advantages to your body, mind, soul, and career can be enormous. You don’t have to make all of these changes today, but small changes over a few weeks can show marked improvement in your stress levels and help you be healthier and happier.

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