The Challenge
Recently a broker came to us for a lease agreement regarding laptops. The customer wanted to redo their computer labs in their middle and upper school.
To handle their tight budget requirements and bring down installation costs, they contacted a broker, who had recently spoken to their grenke relationship manager about our competitiveness in the IT space.
The Solution
When discussing the client's needs, we realised they would be better off going for a Master Lease Agreement (MLA) instead of a grenke Classic Lease, as they wanted to space out the purchases over a certain period and needed to ensure the computers fit the student software requirements.
This was chosen as a grenke Master Lease Agreement offers a tailored solution, giving the school a pre-approval at a set rate to draw down over the year, avoiding repeated credit checks and cumbersome contract signing processes. grenke even went a step further with their offering.
As the MLA covers all types of assets, the school used it to add the right software packages to make sure the computers were ready to go and always up-to-date from day one.
The Outcome
The school and the broker working with grenke appreciated the above-and-beyond approach, highlighting that our team listened and understood the circumstances before offering a personalised, tailored solution that fulfilled all the client's requirements.
Does your customer require the flexibility to invest in multiple assets annually? By using grenke, they will save time and money, keeping them ahead of the competition.
Is there a deal on your mind? Let's talk about it. We'll be happy to take care of you in person.